Raven haiku contest
Zdenko Oreč Gavran (Raven) (1930-2020) was the founder of the Ludbreg haiku meetings. This year a raven haiku contest was organized in his honor and memory.
One hundred and sixty-eight (168) authors from Croatia (70), the United States (13), India (11), Poland (8), Serbia and Slovenia (7 each), Bosnia and Herzegovina (6), Romania (5), Russia and the United Kingdom (4 each), Montenegro and Ukraine (3 each), Australia, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Canada and Hungary (2 each), and Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland, Japan, the Republic of South Africa, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, the Netherlands, Germany, Northern Macedonia, St. Lucia and Switzerland (1 each) submitted their Haiku to the contest.
Haiku were judged by prominent Croatian haiku poets Enes Kišević (Zagreb) and Dejan Pavlinović (Pula).
Natječaj za haiku na temu gavran
Zdenko Oreč Gavran (1930-2020) bio je utemeljitelj Ludbreških haiku-susreta. Njemu u čast i na sjećanje ove je godine organiziran natječaj za haiku na temu gavran.
Haikue je na natječaj poslalo sto šezdeset osmero (168) autora iz Hrvatske (70), Sjedinjenih Američkih Država (13), Indije (11), Poljske (8), Srbije i Slovenije (po 7), Bosne i Hercegovine (6), Rumunjske (5), Rusije i Velike Britanije (po 4), Crne Gore i Ukrajine (po 3), Australije, Belgije, Francuske, Indonezije, Kanade i Mađarske (po 2), te Alžira, Bjelorusije, Bugarske, Grčke, Irske, Japana, Južnoafričke Rebublike, Kenije, Malezije, Nigerije, Nizozemske, Njemačke, Sjeverne Makedonije, Svete Lucije i Švicarske po 1.
Haikue su ocjenjivali istaknuti hrvatski pjesnici haikua Enes Kišević (Zagreb) i Dejan Pavlinović (Pula).
1st reward / 1. nagrada
Simon Hanson (Australija)
jedno sa sjenama one with the shadows osamljenog čempresa of a lone cypress gavran i mjesec the raven and the moon
2nd reward / 2. nagrada
Cezar Florin Ciobică (Rumunjska)
gavran grakće … a croaking raven … kako da otac povjeruje so hard to make my father u nebesa? believe in heaven
3rd reward / 3. nagrada
Michael Dudley (Kanada)
kazališni vrt theatre garden s vrha bardova poprsja raven atop the Bard’s bust gavranov monolog soliloquizing
Honorable mentions / Pohvale (abecednim redom autora)
Kanchan Chatterjee (Indija)
proljetni vjetar spring gale … tvrdoglav gavran mijenja a wayward raven resets svoj put its path
Goran Gatalica
pokop u zoru – burial at dawn– voćnjak moje obitelji my family’s orchard pun gavrana full of ravens
Nikolaj Grankin (Rusija)
povratak kući homecoming gdje i obično, na nebu where they used to be dva gavrana two ravens in the sky
Zvonko Jurčević
zlatni zvonik golden church tower u gavranovu oku in the raven’s eye zalazi sunce the sun is setting
Deborah Karl-Brandt (Njemačka)
drevna šuma ancient wood gavranov graktaj odnekle a raven’s croak from s onoga svijeta somewhere beyond
Mile Lisica (Bosna i Hercegovina)
otvoren prozor open window nad šumom krik gavrana above the forest a raven”s cry i moja tuga and my sorrow
Vladimir Ludvig
mećava – blizzard– kip bijelog gavrana a statue of a white raven drhti na grani trembles on the branch
Tomislav Maretić
obrisi u noći – outlines at night - među zvijezdama raven wings krila gavrana among the stars
Milenko Šarac (Crna Gora)
duga nad gradom … rainbow over the city starac uporno prati an old man follows let crne ptice … the flight of a black bird
Aljoša Vuković
stablo s osmrtnicom – obituary tree– počast preminulome a raven’s homage odaje gavran to the deceased
Ovogodišnji Haiku susret u Ludbregu održat će se 26. lipnja.
This year’s Haiku encounter in Ludbreg will be held on June 26th.